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Thomas Svechla

Thomas Svechla

Born in 1963 in Ulm; first accordion lessons at the age of 7; participations at duo competitions; experience in orchestra work; studied at the Hohner conservatory in Trossingen under Hans Rauch and Hubert Deuringer; member at the Hohner orchestra under Karl Perenthaler; teaching activities at the “Jugendmusikschule Ehingen”; leadership of numerous accordion orchestras; arrangements for various instrumentations from traditional music to jazz; studied swing stylistics under Father Stanley Kloskowski (United States); numerous performances abroard for example with “Notenhobler” (Hong Kong), musical “Irma La Duce” (Philadelphia, United States), leadership and support of “Kinderbandprojekt” with performances at German shows (Wolfgang Fierek; Peter Maffay); participation in various swing and jazz ensembles as well as in projects for theater and cabaret (e.g. Brecht/Weill with Hannelore Jäger and Michael Frohwin);