Ralf Brendle

Ralf Brendle received his first accordion lessons when he was 8 years old. During his period of education as a carpenter and emergency service staff, music has always been a hobby. In 2000 he won the German Accordion music price for “Virtouso Entertainment” with the rating “excellent” and he decided to start studying accordion at the Hohner Conservatory in Trossingen. In addition to the main subjects accordion, conducting and elementary music pedagogy he also received lessons in piano and harp. In 2004 after the very successful completion of his studies, he was the first scholarship holder of the Hohner Conservatory and he began studying accordion solo class under Andreas Nebl, arrangement under Hans-Günther Kölz and conducting under Fritz Dobler. He took additional lessons for conducting under Gudni A. Emilsson, the principal conductor of des „Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra“. Since 2007 he performs with the quintett „Art of Accordion“ which received the first price at the World Music Festival in Innsbruck in May and at the Coupe Mondiale in Washington in August. In July 2007 he completed his studies with distinction at the Hohner Conservatory in all three subjects. In 2008 he began studying conducting at the university for music and performing arts in Stuttgart under Prof. Borin. He completed this studies in 2011.