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Karlheinz Krupp

Karlheinz Krupp

After his studies at the Hohner conservatory in Trossingen under Prof. Hugo Herrmann, Prof. Fritz Jöde, Hermann Schittenhelm, Hans Rauch and others and his first experiences as a music teacher for accordion, chromonica and guitar in Wuppertal, Frankfurt/Main, Hanau and Offenbach, Karlheinz Krupp started with compositions and arrangements; afterwards teaching at the Jugendmusikschule Frankfurt/Main; more studies under Prof. Walter Gerwig (guitar), Prof. Hans-Dieter Resch (composition/counterpoint) und Prof. Sigrid Abel-Struth (musical education for children); releases of numerous music sheets (accordion, guitar, barred percussion) for music schools as well as numerous supplementary literature at various publishing companies; apart from his work as a music teacher he was always set his focus on pedagogical work with groups and ensembles (play groups, folk ensembles, swing combos, Big Band – he was founder and head of the big band JMS Frankfurt/Main for many years); due to the experience of more than 30 years of teaching, numerous characteristic compositions and arrangements in various stylistics were developed;