Hans-Günther Kölz
Born 1956 in Stuttgart; he received his musical education from his father (accordion) and from the pianist Elfy Ehrhardt (piano); 1976-1980 studies at the Hohner conservatory in Trossingen (music theory under Brent Mc Call, jazz stylistics under Hubert Deuringer, orchestra conducting under Karl Perenthaler and Fritz Dobler, and others); since 1981 lecturer at the Hohner conservatory for theoretical and pedagogic subjects; since 2002 head of “Studienweg II” (main subjects: jazz accordion and arrangement) at the Hohner conservatory in Trossingen; guest lecturer in various academies in Germany and abroad; freelancer as composer, arranger and music teacher; numerous TV- and radio productions as well as numerous arrangements for CD productions and commissionary works; jury member at national and international competitions; workshops in Germany and abroad; since 1991 conductor and arranger for the orchestra “Hohnerklang Trossingen”; Frank Marocco Europe tour: accompanying musician;