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Alexander Jekic

Alexander Jekic

First accordion lessons at the age of 7; participation in three accordion orchestras; studies at the Hohner conservatory in Trossingen under Hans Rauch, Hubert Deuringer, Hans-Günther Kölz and others; after completing his studies he worked as a music teacher at different music schools; member in the accordion-concert-ensemble at the conservatory in Karlsruhe under the leadership of Margot Eisenmann; concerts and recordings; jazz master class under Frank Marocco; since 1988 he runs his own music school in Augsburg with other music teachers for diverse instruments; his focus is on the accordion; more than 170 pieces are released at 8 different music publishers since 1988; since 1990 juror member in numerous accordion competitions; composition classes under Richard Heller who is lecturer at the Leopold-Mozart-Konservatorium in Augsburg; as an accordionist he participated in numerous bands and projects such as Tango-Project, Salon music, stage music at the Municipal Theatre in Augsburg, member of the Klezmer group “Sing your Soul”, recordings for the Moussong Theatre, Augsburger Puppenkiste and for the publisher Pro Musica; 2000 – foundation of the VERLAG PURZELBAUM; performances with the singer Anna Mahonie; CD production “Wiener Schmankerl”; 2009 recording of the theme for the movie “Pasticcio” at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg (broadcasted in Arte); numerous performances with “Duo Zweikanal”; keyboard player for the Mr.-Hill-Band;